Saturday, December 14, 2013

Troubleshooting. Why Ruby Would not start back up after cruising.

So After our First ride, upon returning home I stalled out, and could not get her to fire back up.  Flooded her out cranking.  Had to leave in the driveway for the night.  So after work I got outside and fired Ruby up first try.  This got the hamster wheel in my head turning.  Starts cold, but not hot...  My first thought was carburetor issues.  So I checked the carburetor out, just to make sure.  The very first thing I did when I got the bus was rebuild and clean the carburetor meticulously so I did not expect this to be a problem.  I reset and tried again.  Started cold once I got her warmed up it did not start back up.  I flooded it, and depleted the battery trying.  So back to the research, I can not explain how much other peoples blogs, and postings helped me out.  I read about my carburetor, and motor.  I found out that I had an aftermarket distributor, that was a slight bit harder to dial in than the original factory equipment.  So I read some more and more.  I found that the 009 distributor that I have still today is very touchy, and you had to check it and adjust and try and repeat till you get it right.  So out to the garage I went.  I have a tachometer that I wired into the engine compartment to see what rpm I am running at, and I purchased an adjustable timing strobe light gun.  I had Lynn help me set the timing, and we tested, and set and tested, and set and tested.  We found our sweet spot, and set out timing there.  Time for a cruise.  We took this opportunity to drive over to brother Bears and get the lawnmower.  Mainly so we could take Dylan for his first ride in the bus.  He has been waiting longer than me, only because he got to go pick it up when Lynn bought it for me.  He is the small child pictured in the beginning of the blog pretending to drive.  He pretended to drive once a week from the time we got the bus till the time we left Ohio.  Our ride went wonderfully.  We cruised around the park, and through the neighborhood. No issues at all, Smooth sailing all the way.  After our cruise which Dylan loved every second of Lynn and I decided to hit the grocery store.  Nervously turning the key after shopping I hoped that everything was good, and vroom she came to life no problem.  We both sighed in relief, and away we went back home, with a lawnmower and some groceries.  Today had been a good day, and with the weekend approaching and a vw swap meet pretty close to us we were confident that Ruby would make the journey.  We had about a week before the swap meet where I drove Ruby about 15 to 20 minutes each morning to work.  With no radio, I really got to feel what it was like to drive an old vw.  Nervously, and precisely timing each shift.  Deliberately moving the shifter to the next gear in the sequence, hoping so dearly that you have it correct, and will not have to down shift.  Some of those mornings were  hairy.  With the joggers, and bikers, and dear all through the metro park of Berea.  But I made it.  Each day a tad smoother, spilling less of my morning coffee, and getting less cigarette ash on myself.  It was an experience in driving, putting me in a place long before distractions of gps, cell phones, ipods.  A time where driving a car meant working to keep that car running and on the road to get you where you were going.  Watching, listening, smelling, and feeling every aspect of the ride. Senses on edge, I lived a little each morning.  I loved every single second of it, and wished Lynn could share it with me.  Those beautiful crisp spring mornings, shattered by the vibrations of a vw air cooled engine and the rattling of every single piece not welded to the other in the bus.  Glorious chaos. I would not trade it for anything in the world.  We decided we could and would make the journey to west cleeveland.  On the highway for the first time, 20 plus miles, in June. Hot hot weather.  We decided why not.  Lets do it.... Man what a day that would turn out to be..

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