So It has been quite a while since I posted. Last we posted was after our first drive in Ruby after the new motor. That was may. We came outside to find brake fluid under driver seat area of the vehicle. So I got in there with a flashlight, and found that the rubber grommet that connected the hose from the brake fluid reservoir inside the vehicle to the brake master cylinder under the vehicle was rotted to falling apart. The first time I applied real brake pressure the grommet just gave out. So we decided that was it for the day. Go get the grommet the following day at the parts store right... Wrong, we found a 2nd bus on the craigslist, and went out and bought it.
A blue 1978. no motor or trans 200 bucks. Totally worth it, based on the fact that I needed a
lot of parts, and a bunch of sheet metal. So we bought another bus that was not working. . . . . How I talked Lynn into this, I have not a clue. Probably when I sent the picture. I mean it was blue after all.
So here we are after our ride home, Proud owners of the Grateful Busses. They just look so good in the garage. We already decided no cutting this blue boy apart, It is so nice. Just harvest a few parts, Lynn's window tray, a door latch, a gas cap for a good friend Pat, and windows for a friend of a friend. We did pass this bus on after a few short weeks with us, because as I said it just was too nice for the knife. This bus went on to help another 78 continue its life as a bus, or maybe that one helped this one. Who knows.
Of course before the blue bus left, Luna had to spend some quality time with him. Also while this bus was with us, we made a couch out of the rear bench seat, and used the two plastic spare covers for arms. Luna inspired us. So the blue bus got us back on the road.
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